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Feral Pig Fence. Wholesale direct DIY Feral pig fencing, keep feral pigs out

Feral Pig Fence Rolls & Parts

This page explains rabbit fences and will compare different rabbit fence kits. Don't need a complete rabbit fence with posts? Here are three quick links to take you directly to fence rolls and other parts:

Feral Pig Fence Comparison

Feral pig fencing is a type of fence engineered to exclude feral pigs otherwise known as wild pig fencing. Feral pigs are also known as feral hogs. Typical applications include:

  • Preventing feral pig access (keeping them from going under or into an area) or as dig prevention
  • Surrounding an area like a garden where feral pigs will eat your plants or vegetables by adding a chew barrier for feral pig protection to an existing fence (like a garden fence)

Surrounding the complete perimeter of an area (along a complete property line) – this can include wide driveway gates to protect driveways

A feral pig fence kit is a selection of fencing, fence posts, accessories and hardware to build a complete fence to keep out feral pigs when starting from nothing.

Our feral pig fences are not electric and cannot fail due to broken wires, dead batteries, etc. They are engineered to keep out many different animals besides feral pigs, depending on the options you choose. They also make great pet fences to keep in dogs and other animals. We do have real physical barrier poly electric fence as an option if needed for your application. 

There are 1000+ fence kits, combinations and options within each of these types of feral pig fences.

The purpose of this page is to help you compare the choices to best select the feral pig fence you need for your project.

In general, most customers with feral pig issues select:

  • A feral pig fence with overlap. This type of feral pig fence includes extra fencing overlapped and staked to the ground to the outside of the area. This acts as a dig deterrent and covers small ups and downs in your landscape feral pigs can use for entry. Feral pigs will use their noses to try and push up the base of a fence or to try to root down under your fence for access. This type of feral pig fence with overlap is a roll of fence installed at a specific height, leaving additional inches or footage (6-12 inches typical) overlapped and pinned to the ground facing outside.
  • A combination deer and feral pig fence with a chew barrier base. Deer don’t chew and poly fence has properties that make it a great deer fence for the top of the fence. Poly deer fence doesn’t have memory (if it’s hit it returns to its original shape unlike metal that once bent stays bent) and it’s hard to climb. Poly deer fence is also lightweight, very strong and inexpensive. The issue with poly fence is chewing; even the strongest poly fence is not chew proof. The most popular type of fence for a garden includes a poly fence paired with a metal chew barrier base. In general, the same bottom wire fence used to keep out feral pigs will also keep out rabbits and other garden pests. The post popular garden configuration to keep out feral pigs (and other animals) would be a 7 ½ foot finished height poly fence in 700 poly paired with a 4ft 1x1 black steel bottom wire, installed at 40 inches tall leaving 8 inches of overlap. The overlap is flexible – for example, you could install the 4ft bottom wire at 36” tall leaving 12 inches of overlap.
  • 36-48” tall. The minimum suggested height to keep out feral pigs as a chew barrier base is 36 inches / 48 inches when used on top of another fence.

Below are our feral pig fence kits separated by type:

Feral Pig Fence Information

feral pig fence - wild pig fence - feral hog fence
feral pig fence - wild pig fence - feral hog fence

There are a few different feral pig fence (wild pig fence) options on the market. If you have a need to create a fence to keep feral pigs out of an area, if they are destroying your plants, our fence is for you.

Here’s why:

  • Our feral pig fencing is effective but nearly invisible from a distance. It's engineered to be as invisible as possible, to blend in with your existing landscape.
  • Completely NON-ELECTRIC, no wires to break, no parts to fail over time. A real actual physical barrier to keep feral pigs out. Poly electric real physical barrier fences are available. 
  • Our fences to keep animals out are customizable. Choose the right strength, height, chew resistance, opening size and more for your project. This includes feral pig fence gates from 3 feet wide to 24 feet wide, thicker corner posts/end posts if applicable, tensioning for your feral pig fence and more. We offer the largest selection of pig fence products on the market.
  • Need a temporary feral pig fence or seasonal feral pig fence? All of our fences with ground sleeves can be installed permanently or made removable if needed. Use included locking set screws to release our fence posts. A good example would be installing a fence for the growing season then taking it down after the season is over.
  • We make our feral pig fences quick and easy to install. Using patent protected parts like ground sleeves for regular posts and gates and large ground sleeves for corner posts and driveway gates no concrete footings are needed. Posts are secured with a locking set screw inside each sleeve. Large areas can be installed in a fraction of the time it would take for conventional fencing. Most customers install this type of fence themselves without contractors.
  • Since 1992 we have been shipping this product directly to our customers from our own warehouses. We offer coast to coast free fast shipping over $99. We don't drop ship, this is our product we ship from our warehouses directly to you.

Feral Pig Fence Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best feral pig fence?
The best type of feral pig fence is strong enough to keep feral pigs out without hurting them or getting them or other animals caught in the fence. This is metal feral pig fence with a 2 inch or smaller opening size, overlapped and staked to the ground facing outside 6 to 12 inches.
How do I build a feral pig fence?
Feral pig fences are made of support posts, rolls of fencing material and hardware. Ground sleeves are first driven into the ground with a sledge hammer, posts then slide in the ground sleeves and secure with locking set screws. Fencing material is either attached to the posts directly with fence ties or attached to tension cable which offers additional support. Feral pig fences can be buried at the bottom of the fence or overlapped and pinned to the ground with stakes to prevent feral pigs from pushing up under the fence.
What is the easiest feral pig fence to install?
The easiest feral pig fence to install uses ground sleeves. Ground sleeves are first driven into the ground with a sledge hammer, posts then slide in the ground sleeves and secured with a locking set screw. The posts can be permanent or removable. Feral pig fences with tensioning are not removable. It’s easier to remove a feral pig fence without overlap, than one with overlap, but be advised feral pig fence without overlap does not prevent digging underneath.
What is a feral pig fence made out of?
Feral pig fence is usually made out of black PVC coated galvanized steel or a combination fence of polypropylene and metal. Here’s some information on each:
  • Metal feral pig fence: Small to large opening size wire fence of various thicknesses and strengths. This wire fence can be welded or woven. Woven wire is bent into shapes by a machine and can be knotted like traditional field fence or twisted like traditional hex type mesh (chicken wire). Metal feral pig fence can be plain galvanized or galvanized painted black or galvanized then black vinyl coated. Galvanization can be before weaving or welding or after welding or weaving (in galvanized after welding/weaving the welded joints are also covered with zinc for the best rust resistance). Some more common knotted metal fixed knot fence is graduated with smaller opening size 2"x4" wire spacing at the bottom to larger 4" opening size wire spacing at the top (not suitable to keep out feral pigs, they will climb through 4x4 openings). Metal feral pig fence is very strong and can range from 800 pounds of breaking strength for the woven wire hex (chicken wire) types to over 2000 pounds of breaking strength per square foot for some of the welded wire types. 1"x1" metal or smaller can also be used as a chew barrier or rodent barrier at the base of a poly deer fence. In general, most customers choose a 2x2 or 2x4 black PVC coated metal fence to exclude feral pigs only. Some customers choose the 1x1 black PVC coated metal fence if other animals are a concern like rabbits that can pass through 2x2 openings. 
How tall does a feral pig fence need to be?
A feral pig fence needs to be 4 feet tall to keep feral pigs from pushing over. In most scenarios feral pigs will tire and give up before pushing over a 4 foot tall fence. Some gardeners with extreme feral pig issues may need to install a taller fence.
What is an electric feral pig fence?
Electric feral pig fence is a fence consisting of electrically charged wires with the intent of shocking feral pigs to scare them away. This type of electric fence can be more expensive than conventional feral pig fence and more difficult to install & maintain. Wild animals like feral pigs are likely to move into strands of electric fence by accident; once the strands are broken the electric fence system is down and needs to be repaired. Electric fence is great for domestic farm animals like goats for example. You can bring a goat up to an electric fence to shock them once and they will never go up to that electric fence again. Wild animals are different; a traditional (not electric) animal fence is recommended for wild animals.
Can feral pigs crawl under a fence?
Feral pigs can push up under a fence! Determined wild hogs will do almost anything to gain access to an area where there is food. To protect against digging, additional fencing is buried in the ground or overlapped and staked to the ground using ground stakes. 
How much does wild hog fence cost?
Wild hog fence will range in price from $1 a foot to $10 a foot or more depending on the width and type of wild hog fence and if you are purchasing rolls of feral pig fence only or a complete feral pig fence kit. Rolls of polypropylene feral pig fencing will cost less than all metal feral pig fence.
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