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Dog Fence Kits

Dog Fencing Types and Kits

There are thousands of different options available on our website and options to select the right dog fence for your project. Our job is to narrow down the type of fencing to match what we offer with what you need. 

Some general guidelines:

  • Overlap - choose a fence kit with overlap for any fence to keep dogs in or out. It's important to bend this overlap towards the inside as a dig deterrent. If you decide against overlap, you should then have tensioning installed at the top and the bottom of the fence.
  • Tensioning as an option in these fence kits - we recommend optioning tensioning in most fence kits you choose for dogs - in specific, poly fences. Dogs like to "paw up" on fences to gain height to look around. When dogs pull down on a fence, tensioning pulls up in the opposite direction. 
  • All metal or fence with a metal chew guard base for a poly fence - if your dog is a chewer, even the strongest poly fence can be gnawed through over time. Most of our poly does have our Bitterfence® anti chew additive, which will help deter chewing - but it's not chew proof.

Here's an overview of our fence kit types:

Shop Dog Fence Types

How to build an escape proof dog fence

Is your dog an escape artist? We can help. Year after year, since 1992, we have been perfecting our fence system to keep animals in or out - it's our specialty.  Some key things to consider when building an escape proof dog fence:

1) You need overlap - extra fencing that lays on top of the ground, facing inward, pinned to the ground. Our fence kits include kinked ground stakes which are shaped like a candy cane, driven through the fence into the ground to secure it. Without overlap, dogs will use their noses to push up and under a fence to get out or try and dig down to get under a fence. This ia  key difference between this type of animal fence and conventional fencing like chain link or aluminum. 

2) No top rail - chain link and other conventional fence has a fixed stable square or round tube at the top of their fence system. Dogs love to use this fixed structure to pull them up and over a fence. For climbers, we recommend a combination poly fence (with the Bitterfence® additive) and chew barrier base with tensioning. The poly fence isn't comfortable for them to climb (collapsing under their weight, it's flexible) and the tensioning holds the fence up. If your dog is a climber also consider building a fence that is one foot taller than you think you need. 

3) Know your dog - consider spending some time with your new dog before deciding on a fence. Some dogs may not challenge a fence at all by nature, others will tear apart anything including heavy gauge chain link fence. Our fence systems are best suited for exercise areas, potty break areas - supervised play areas. Leaving your dog outside unattended while you go to work, for example, isn't what our fence system is designed for. 

What is Dog Fencing Made Of?

There are two types of fencing we use in our dog fences - poly and metal.

Poly is short for polypropylene (a type of plastic) which includes our patent pending Bitterfence® anti chew additive. The additive is derived from hot peppers - capsaicin - which most dogs find too spicy to chew. It's an effective deterrent but should not be considered chew proof. We offer many strengths and sizes of poly fence and suggest using 800, 1050, 1100 and 1400 for dogs. The 700 and 650 is strong but not as rough and tumble as the higher strengths, possibly suited for very small dogs or temporary fences. The higher strength poly will have up to 25 years of useful life. Poly is great in that dogs can run into the fence full speed and not get hurt and the poly returns back to it's natural square shape (as opposed to metal - once bent it stays bent).

Our metal is available in many different wire gauges (thicknesses) as well as galvanized and black PVC coated. In general, customers use our 2x2 or 2x4 as a decent general all purpose metal dog fence. It's strong, cost effective, looks nice as a backyard dog fence and a good balance between thickness, strength and economy. For the strongest and most chew resistant fencing, choose our fixed knot or thicker wire gauge fence like our horse fence. 

Dog Fence Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best dog fence?
The best type of deer fence is strong enough to contain dogs without hurting them (physically or emotionally like electric fence). This can be a high strength poly fence or a metal fence, both not electric.
How much does a dog fence cost?
$4 to $10 or more per linear foot depending on the type of fencing and the length of the fence. In general, the longer the fence is the better the cost per foot.
How is Critterfence® dog fence different from other fencing on the market?
Animal fencing is our specialty and has been since 1992. This is our product that we ship direct from our warehouses to homeowners, landscapers, other fence companies, dog rescues and more. Our product is patented, trademarked and not found anywhere else. Please look at our customer reviews, we believe we have the most effective, longest lasting, least visible dog fence on the market.
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