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Deer Fence Info – Deer Fence Kits

Deer Fence - Do It Yourself Deer Fencing

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Types of Deer Fence Kits

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There are thousands of different options available on our website and options to select the right deer fence for your project. Our job here is to narrow down the type of fence that is the best match.

Please scroll down to learn about our fence kits and find more information on deer fencing:

  1. Overlap - choose a fence kit with overlap if you have uneven terrain or you are concerned about animals going up and under your fence. This is a key difference between a fence to keep animals in or out and conventional fencing on the market (like chain link or aluminum). 
  2. Fence Kits With Rodent Barrier - these are our most popular configurations because of the flexibility it gives you with two layers of fencing. The purpose of the two separate layers is the types of animals you want to keep in or out - for example, you may want a fence to keep out deer - but - also keep out venomous snakes. In this case, you likely would choose a two inch opening fence mesh (poly or metal - can be both) paired with a 1/4x1/4 inch metal base that is 3ft tall. This also applies to rabbits (1x1 is typical - rabbits can pass through 2x2 but not 1x1). These fences tend to be the least visible also (for example - consider how the above fence would look in all 1/4x1/4 up and down, very visible compared to 2x2 on top and 1/4x1/4 on the very bottom only - also, 1/4x1/4 isn't needed up top you don't need that small of an opening size to keep deer out).
  3. Fence Kits Without Rodent Barrier Or Overlap - these are best for seasonally removable fences and also the easiest to install


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Deer Fencing Features and Benefits

Deer fencing is a type of fence to keep deer in or out. Deer fence is different than conventional fence types because:

1) Deer fence is usually much taller - standard conventional fences are 4ft or 5ft tall

2) Deer fence can conform and overlap to your landscape and changes in elevation

3) Deer fence is  nearly invisible from a distance - designed to blend in with your landscape, purposely. Deer don't have great eyesight - the key to a successful deer fence is installing a fence that isn't very visible, that deer have trouble identifying where the top of the fence ends. A good example of a bad deer fence would be an 8ft tall chain link fence with a top rail. The wire gauge is too thick for deer and the top rail is very visible. Deer can and will jump this type of fence, using the top rail as a benchmark to clear when jumping. For this reason it's important to build a fence that is the least visible possible. Year after year we have refined this fence system to be less and less  visible.

4) When properly constructed, any size deer running at any speed will bounce off the fence without getting hurt - conventional fence tends to trap and injure deer (google search deer stuck in fence).

5) This fencing works - specifically engineered for wildlife our fence system has been tested in use since 1992.  Our fence can be found and many universities, community gardens, arboretums, used in government, townships, non-profit organizations and thousands of other locations across the US. 

6) This type of fence is easier to install and less expensive: Our deer fencing is fairly easy to install, requires no concrete (even our access gates and corner posts use our patented EZ-brace anchor system) and much less expensive than conventional fence. Vast distances - thousands of feet - can be installed in much less time and expense than conventional fence.

7) Deer fencing also has the added benefit of helping prevent lyme disease and other tick borne illnesses. Over time, studies show 95% or more of deer ticks can be excluded from an area - if you can keep out the animals that carry the ticks you can prevent these diseases.  

What is Deer Fencing Made Of?

Deer fence is made of two different types of fence material: poly (short for polypropylene) and metal.

Poly deer fencing is: Strong - available in many different strengths (650, 700, 800, 1050, 1100 and 1400) - lightweight, requires fewer posts than metal fence - flexible, can be suspended from trees, as trees grow the fencing won't grow into the tree like metal and kill the tree/damage the fence - less expensive than metal - available in different opening sizes half inch, one inch and two inch - easy to work with for installation - chew resistant with our patent pending Bitterfence® anti-chew additive but not chew proof - up to 25 years of useful life

Metal deer fencing is: Stronger than poly - available in many different opening sizes like quarter inch, half inch, one inch, two inch, two by four and graduated (the opening size varies, smaller at the bottom and larger at the top - heavier than poly, requires more posts than poly fence - not as flexible and should not be suspended from trees - more expensive than poly - harder and heavier to work with than poly - best for chew resistance or chewing animal exclusion or containment - up to 25 years of useful life

Deer Fence Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best fences to keep out deer?
The best type of deer fence is strong enough to repel deer without hurting deer or getting deer caught in the fence. This is usually poly or metal fence with a 2 inch or smaller opening size.
How long does a deer fence last?
A properly installed deer fence, using the right materials can have a useful life of up to 25 years.
Do deer resistant plants work?
Sometimes. When deer are hungry, like during the winter, they will roam greater distances searching for food especially when the ground is covered by snow. Some plants like arborvitae are left untouched by deer but get eaten during the winter. Seasonal deer fence can be used to protect these types of plants.
How is Critterfence® different from other deer fencing on the market?
It's our specialty. Since 1992 we have been perfecting this fencing and our fence system over time. This is our product that we ship direct from our warehouses to homeowners, landscapers, other fence companies, government, municipalities and more. Our product is patented, trademarked and not found anywhere else. We started this business installing this specialty fencing for customers and have used that knowledge to provide the most effective, longest lasting, least visible deer fence on the market.
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