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Dog Fence - Reliable Fencing Solutions

Dog Fence Rolls & Parts

Protect your pets with durable dog fences and compare top-rated dog fence kits to find the perfect fit for your yard. Whether you're looking for a complete system or just essential parts, we offer high-quality dog fencing solutions to keep your furry friends safe and secure.

Dog Fencing Comparison

A dog fence is a selection of fencing, fence posts, accessories and hardware in a kit to build a complete dog fence starting from scratch.

This dog fencing is not electric and does not shock your pets. They are designed to safely keep your dogs in while also keeping other animals out, without hurting animals.

There are 1000+ fence kits, combinations, and options within each of these dog fencing kits.

Below you will find our dog fence kits with information and options available. In general, most dog fencing customers select these three things:

  • A dog fence with overlap. This type of fence includes extra fencing overlapped and staked to the ground. This acts as a dig deterrent and covers small peaks and valleys in your landscape your dog can use to escape.
  • An all metal dog fence or one with a chew barrier base. Not all dogs are chewers but some other animals are. With an all metal fence, an all metal dog fence with a chew barrier base or a poly fence with an all metal base (most popular) you have the best chance of building an escape proof area for your pets.
  • A dog fence with tensioning. This includes two strands of 1200 pound minimum breaking strength tension cable. Tension cable helps pull your fence up, when dogs paw up on a fence and their weight pulls it down. With tensioning, corner/end posts are suggested.

Below are our kits separated by type:

Shop Dog Fence Types

Dog Fencing Information

How to successfully use our product
How to successfully use our product

There are many different options for dog containment on the market. If you need to create an escape-proof real physical fence for your dog (while keeping other animals out!) our dog fences are for you. Here’s why:

  • Our dog fencing is strong but nearly invisible from a distance. It's designed to blend in with your existing landscape.
  • Completely NON-ELECTRIC, no shock pet containment without any components to fail. No need to shock your dog either! Electric shock type collars or containment can lead to behavioral issues with your dog.
  • Compare the cost! Less expensive than conventional fencing, large areas can be fenced in at an affordable price.
    • Most customers install our dog fence kits themselves or hire a local handyman.
    • No specific skills or knowledge is needed, and our dog fence kits are installed using basic hand tools.Our dog fences are customizable. Choose the best strength, height, chew resistance and more for your project. This includes dog fences with four sides and a top and no-climb dog fence systems with post extenders that turn climbing Houdini escape artist dogs back to the ground.
  • Renting? Need a temporary dog fence or portable dog fence? All of our dog fences with ground sleeves can be installed permanently or made removable if needed. Use included locking set screws to release our fence posts.
    • A good example might be setting up a fence when relatives visit with dogs and taking it down when they leave.
  • Most of our dog fence kits include fencing that's overlapped on top of the ground and pinned to the ground with ground stakes. This is very important for dogs because it covers changes in elevation and prevents your dogs from using their noses to push up under the fence to get out, or from digging to get out.
  • Our poly dog fence kits have flex. your dog can run into the fence full speed and bounce off the fence without getting hurt and it flexes back to it’s original shape (different than metal fence whichstays bent).
    • This type of fencing can also be installed on trees with monofilament tensioning.
  • Our fences are engineered not only to keep animals like dogs in, but other wildlife like coyote and deer OUT (7 foot or higher suggested for deer exclusion).
    • When you're able to exclude deer and other wildlife, you also exclude ticks and the hazardous diseases they carry.
  • Our dog fences have proprietary patent pending designs that have been innovated over time. Since 1992 we have provided this product and service to homeowners, dog rescues, organizations and more.

It's our product, shipped from our coast-to-coast warehouses directly to you. No drop shipping or 3rd party sales (more common these days! For example, you order from X company, they buy from Y company and Y company ships to you. Not one of our products is sold this way. It's all our product shipped directly to you.

Dog Fence Frequently Asked Questions

What type of fencing is best for dogs?
The best type of dog fencing safely contains your dogs while keeping other animals out. A safe dog fence usually consists of smaller opening size fence with 2x4, 2x2 or smaller opening sizes. This makes it difficult for dogs to get caught. hurt or trapped in a fence.
How much does a fence for a dog cost?
$4 per linear foot up to $10 per linear foot depending on the type. The fence kits offered are much less expensive than conventional fencing like chain link or aluminum fence panels that can range from $30-50 per linear foot.
How big is a typical fence for a dog?
100-300 linear feet. Most yard dog fences start at a house or building, extend into the back yard area, then return again to the house or building. This allows for enough space for dogs to run at full speed.
What is the best height fence to keep dogs in?
The most common height for a dog fence is 6 feet tall. This height covers most types of dogs and is usually tall enough to prevent jumping. The next most popular height is 5 feet tall for smaller dogs and 4 feet tall for the smallest dogs. 7 to 7 ½ and 8 foot tall dog fences are a great choice for those that not only want to keep their dog in but also wildlife like deer out (and the ticks they carry)

Choose Critterfence deer fencing for dependable, long-lasting protection against deer and other wildlife. With customizable options, non-electric reliability, and easy installation, our deer fences provide a nearly invisible barrier that blends seamlessly with your landscape.

Trust our decades of experience and innovative designs to keep your property safe. Explore our wide selection of deer fence kits and enjoy direct shipping from our warehouses for a hassle-free experience.

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